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Let's protect our communities. Together we can.

Safe sanitation behaviours are those that will keep you, your family and your community safe from diseases. Safe sanitation behaviours include safe and timely emptying, safe solid waste management, handwashing with soap and safe menstrual hygiene management. 


Safe and timely emptying


Safe solid waste management


Hand-washing with soap


Menstrual hygiene management

How can I support safe sanitation behaviours in my community?

To support safe sanitation behaviours in your community, you can start learning about them and the best practices to keep your family and community safe.You can also take part in community meetings and speak to your community on a daily basis to ensure everyone is aware of how to perform safe sanitation behaviours. Additionally, there are some communication materials we have created which you can find under the tab “resources” that you can download and send to your friends via WhatsApp. 

How can I report a neighbour that is performing unsafe sanitation behaviours?

If you happen to see one of your neighbours or friends performing unsafe behaviours that are threatening the health and well-being of your family and community, you can report the person by either calling to the support contact in your locality Arusha 0800 110 069 and Shinyanga 0800 711 102 or by calling authorised officers (Health Officer, Ward Executive Officer or Mtaa Executive Officer) by heading to the closest ward office. They will be happy to take your complaint and adopt measures to protect the community. 

How can I engage with Mazingira Safi Miasha Bora Campaign?

There are multiple ways you can engage with Mazingira Safi Maisha Bora Campaign. You can attend events and community meetings which are published in the website, you can download and distribute our materials, you can sign up to our newsletter, you can follow and support us on Social Media and you can contact us and propose collaboration ideas! 

Who is involved in the Mazingira Safi Maisha Bora campaign and who is leading it? 

The campaign is lead by Arusha City Council, Shinyanga Municipal Council, Arusha Urban Water and Sanitation Supply and Shinyanga Urban Water and Sanitation Supply, in collaboration with SNV Netherlands Development Organisation. 

Get Involved

Image by Avel Chuklanov

Mazingira Safi Maisha Bora Campaign

Arusha City Council, AUWSA, Shinyanga Municipal Council, SHUWASA and SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

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