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Mazingira Safi Maisha Bora

Welcome to Mazingira Safi Maisha Bora, your family and community have been waiting for you! Together we can have the modern and safe community we desire where toilets and waste are safely managed, keeping communities clean and free of diseases. 


This is your opportunity to learn about safe sanitation behaviours and the benefits of performing them. Come on, what are you waiting for?


“The programme has personally made me more passionate about sanitation and keeping the environment clean and safe generally, it has built my capacity on professionalism on sanitation issues”

Angel Mwaipopo- Community development officer Shinyanga Municipal council


"We thank SNV for renovating the school, we used to be crowded in one toilet, it is better now, so really thanking them on behalf of all other students and to keep doing what they do on the project."

The head girl/prefect from the Mwamalili school


Get Involved

Image by Avel Chuklanov
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Mazingira Safi Maisha Bora Campaign

Arusha City Council, AUWSA, Shinyanga Municipal Council, SHUWASA and SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

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